How to prepare for your appointment.


All permanent cosmetic procedures are multi-session processes.  Be prepared to come back for at least one follow-up visit so we can touch-up any areas that may not have healed to our standard.  Touch-ups are generally scheduled 4-8 weeks after your initial appointment to allow for complete healing.  

Be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be significantly sharper, brighter, or darker that what is expected for the final outcome.  The color and tone tend to soften during the healing process.  

Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell slightly or redden, some clients feel it best not to make any social plans for a day or two following any procedure.  It is always best to avoid these procedures in the months prior to important life events such as weddings.  Procedures may take longer than expected to be complete in some circumstances.  

Wear your normal makeup and bring your preferred lip color or brow pencils to your appointment.

Tweezing/waxing/electrolysis/eyelash or eyebrow tinting should be done at least 1 week prior to your appointment, and no sooner than 2 weeks after.  

Retin-A and exfoliation should be avoided a week prior to your appointment, and up to 4 weeks after.

Do not tan 2 weeks prior to your appointment or have a sunburned face the day of.  

Botox should be done at least 3 weeks prior to your appointment.

Refrain from the use of alcohol, aspirin, aspirin-containing medications, ibuprofen, or other blood thinning medications for 7 days prior to, and 2 days after your appointment.  Refrain from judgment-altering drugs for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. (Do not make any changes to prescribed medications without consulting your physician.)

 Skin tests are available upon request.

For eyeliner procedures:

Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following the eyeliner procedure.  Remember to bring your glasses.  You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pre-tattooed condition. 

For lip blush procedures:

If you have any history of cold sores/fever blisters/herpes simplex, you will be required to contact your physician to obtain the proper prescription to prevent an outbreak.  


  • DAY OF: Gently blot the area with clean tissue until lymph has stopped oozing

    DAILY: Using clean hands, gently wash the area with a mild soap and water AM/PM. Do not use a cleanser that contains acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA). Gently PAT dry

    DAYS 1-7: Using a clean cotton swab, apply a very thin layer of ointment to area 2-3 times a day*

    *Ointment should be barely noticeable on skin. It can be applied more often if overly tight or itchy

    -Do not rub, pick, or scratch. Let scabs naturally fall off

    -Use a fresh pillowcase and avoid sleeping on your face

    -Limit shower length to avoid too much steam or moisture


    Facials, Botox, chemical/physical exfoliation for 4 weeks

    Makeup or sunscreen on the area until fully healed

    Excessive sweating, swimming, hot tubs, baths, and saunas for 10 days

    Direct sun exposure or tanning

    Any activities that cause dust, dirt, or dander (pet grooming, gardening, dusting, camping, horseback riding, motorsports, etc) for 72 hours

  • DAY OF: Until oozing stops, continuously blot excess lymph with a clean tissue in order to avoid heavy scabbing. Before bed, rinse any remaining lymph fluid off of lips, pat dry, and apply a very thin layer of a gentle ointment

    DAYS 2-7: Do not let your lips dry out. Apply a thin layer of a gentle ointment (such as Aquaphor, Vaseline, or the included Membrans Postcard LipLock) every 1-2 hours throughout the day. Apply more often as needed

    -Any bruising should subside in 24-48 hours

    -DO NOT pick at your dry lips, allow the scabs to naturally fall off

    -Touch-ups can be done no sooner than 8 weeks after the initial appointment

    -Until the scabs are gone, please AVOID:


    Excessive sweating


    Swimming/Taking baths


    Spicy Food


    Any activities that cause dust, dirt, or dander (pet grooming, gardening, dusting, camping, horseback riding, motorsports, etc) for 72 hours

  • DAY OF: Gently blot the area with clean, damp tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid. Use bottled, filtered, or sterile water to dampen the tissue. Repeat every 15 minutes until oozing has subsided. Continue to gently blot any lymph fluid periodically for the next few days. Please make sure you are actually blotting the tattooed skin. The area will be tender, but it is very important.

    DAYS 1-7: Using clean hands, gently wash the area with a mild soap and water AM/PM. Do not use a cleanser that contains acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA)

    DAYS 3-7: Using a clean cotton swab, apply a very thin layer of ointment to area 2-3 times a day*

    *Ointment should be barely noticeable on skin. It can be applied more often if overly tight or itchy

    -Tenderness, puffiness (even bruising), redness and itching are very normal for the healing process. Do not rub, pick, or scratch. Let scabs naturally fall off

    -Cool packs or frozen spoons can help with any swelling or tenderness in the first few days. Make sure to use a barrier between the frozen item and your skin.

    -Use a fresh pillowcase and avoid sleeping on your face

    -Limit shower length to avoid too much steam or moisture


    Contact lenses for 5 full days

    Eyelashes or eyelash extensions for 8 weeks

    Latisse or other eyelash serum for at least 8 weeks

    Facials, Botox, chemical/physical exfoliation for 4 weeks

    Makeup or sunscreen on the area until fully healed. Please use a new mascara after your procedure. Do not use an eyelash curler for 2 weeks.

    Any activities that cause dust, dirt, or dander (pet grooming, gardening, dusting, camping, horseback riding, motorsports, etc) for 72 hours

    Excessive sweating, swimming, hot tubs, baths, and saunas for 10 days

    Direct sun exposure or tanning


Complications are extremely rare. however, if you observe any conditions that are not consistent with the expected healing as described above, please let me know and seek medical attention immediately. This may include, but is not limited to, any sign of infection, pus, red streaks stemming from the treated area, eyeball irritation, or abnormal discharge.